%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} Summary: Tool to extract reports and run plug-ins against those extracted reports Name: sx Version: 2.03 Release: 7%{?dist} URL: http://sbradley.fedorapeople.org/sx Source0: http://sbradley.fedorapeople.org/sx/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz License: GPLv2 Group: Applications/Archiving BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python-devel Requires: python %description sxconsole is a tool used to extract various report types and then analyze those extracted reports with plug-ins. The tool also provides an archiving structure so that all the compressed and extracted reports are saved to a directory. This tool was developed for sysreport/sosreports but has been expanded to include any report that has a class defined. %prep %setup -q %build %{__python} setup.py build %install %{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %{__python} setup.py install --optimize 1 --root=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %clean %{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE AUTHORS PKG-INFO %doc doc/* %{_bindir}/sxconsole %{python_sitelib}/* %changelog * Thu Aug 26 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-7 - Changed LICENSE to GPLv2 - Cleaned up the build process - Cleaned up TarBall class - Tweaked plugin/report classes - Added option to checksysreport to enable native or binary execution to gather data. - Removed checksysreport dependency and added error checking. - Updating docs - Minor tweaks and fixes * Mon Jul 19 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-6 - Fix bug in generating network maps did not account for capitalized letters - Added options to opensosreport for choosing fileviewer - Added options to yakuake for choosing fileviewer and if msglogs are opened - Added colorized text for listing of plugins with -l option - Fix a few bugs - Added new plugin for opening sosreport html reports in browser - Added plugin options, so plugin can be customized * Thu Jul 01 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-5 - Refactor out the helper functions for reports, moved them to sreport with sosreport/sysreport inherit - Fixed bug for -R option when dir did not exist - Refactor cluster plugin and it libs - Added yakuake.py plugin into default binary for package - Fixed some logging issues * Tue Jun 22 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-4 - Fixed bug in disabled/enabled plugins - Added better filepath handling with -f option - Moved cluster plugin report file to one file * Thu Jun 17 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-3 - Fixed bug in cluster summary and edited summary for no packages installed. * Tue Jun 15 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-2 - Added console message to list files that were created. - Add console message and new summary file to cluster plugin. - Cleaned up cluster/checksysreport plugins. - Added option to load previous extracted reports. * Fri Jun 11 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.03-1 - Added new cluster plugin and cleaned up functions for it - Fix EOF error on tarballs so now those files are skipped * Thu Mar 17 2010 Shane Bradley - 2.02-5 - Fixed is cluster node name in hosts file bug * Thu Jul 9 2009 Shane Bradley - 2.02-4 - Factored out some code to streamline and simplify - Fix command option error that did not check for disable plugin option - Fix index error on parsing cluster.conf(via multicast section) * Thu Jul 9 2009 Shane Bradley - 2.02-3 - Fix build error * Thu Jul 9 2009 Shane Bradley - 2.02-2 - Added support for userdefined reports/plugins - Added some new rhnsat functions for package detection - Fixed qdisk bug where would not always find out if enabled. - Fixed a couple of bugs which include verifing tarfile type is correct. - Fixed some document information. - Fixed error on pulling in nonreport file types - Finished writing on API docs. * Thu Jun 25 2009 Shane Bradley - 2.01-1 - sxconsole is not pluggable for reports and tests - Rewrote cluster tools and added more tests - Refactored and cleaned up core of code - Removed sxqt for now since refactoring of code will break it * Wed Apr 29 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-13 - Fixed bug with qdisk that reported in correct result on runlevel detection. - Fixed changelog on release versions updates. * Mon Apr 27 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-12 - Updated sx.spec to be fedorahosted compliant. Added qdisk support. - Added if statements on xml to make sure item exists * Thu Apr 16 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-11 - Fixed bug in the list of valid sosreports that were moved. * Thu Apr 16 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-10 - Fixed two issues: nonsosreport *.tar.bz2 will stop sx and gfs module compare would fail incorrectly * Mon Mar 09 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-9 - Fixed the -R, so that if file does not exist it will not error out. * Sun Mar 01 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-8 - Fixed the -R, it was not running because of nested loop * Sun Mar 01 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-7 - Fix the gui from crashing if root directory does not exist * Thu Feb 26 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-6 - Removed import options, added directory view on tree to import, added highlighting on search * Wed Feb 11 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-5 - Fix add file dialog to goto last dir, fixed some warning for checking checksysreport file, fixed loop in acpi checking * Tue Feb 10 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-4 - Added support for 7 characters that will enable support for larger ticket numbers. * Wed Jan 21 2009 Shane Bradley - 1.01-2 - Fixed a few bugs, remove yakuake support, added new option to generate rhcs kernel table. * Wed Dec 17 2008 Shane Bradley - 1.01-1 - First release of new version of sx with pyqt4 gui support.